OAEC is a non-profit, statewide service association created and voluntarily supported by local electric distribution and generation/transmission cooperatives. OAEC is comprised of 30 member systems: 27 Oklahoma, two Arkansas and one Texas systems that have a portion of their membership residing in Oklahoma.
LEGISLATIVE CONNECTIONS. OAEC believes in keeping a strong connection at the Oklahoma State Capitol. OAEC serves as a liaison with state and national legislative and executive branches of government.
SAFETY. OAEC provides a Safety and Loss Control department where staff is committed to provide programming that emphasizes safe working practices for the well being of rural electric cooperative employees, the membership and the public.
COMMUNITY. Each year, Oklahoma’s Electric Cooperatives and employees organize, sponsor and volunteer in several youth oriented events, such as Youth Tour, Energy Camp and Special Olympics. This involvement helps make electric cooperatives valuable in communities around Oklahoma.

NRECA was founded on March 19, 1942, by 10 men concerned with the problems confronting rural electric cooperatives. They envisioned NRECA would unite rural electric systems under one banner to protect their interests and provide support to help them serve rural America. NRECA is one of the largest rural-oriented cooperative organizations in the United States. It is the national service organization for more than 900 rural electric systems, which provide power to more than 42 million people in 47 states.
TOUCHSTONE ENERGY®. Touchstone Energy® is a nationwide alliance of locally owned and operated
electric cooperatives, which collectively provide enhanced services and resources to their residential and
business customers.